please read!

1. while NSFW may not be always present, there will still be mature themes present in aelin's background & whatever else i may write, so please no minors! that means 18+.2. things i will absolutely not be writing include: noncon/dubcon, transphobia, homophobia, pedophilia, racism, sexism, and the use of slurs!3. please, please no drama of any kind. i'm really just here to write my little blorbo's and have a fun time! i do and will use the block function if you make me uncomfortable!4. i feel like this is a given, but no godmodding of any kind, making assumptions about aelin, or anything else of the sort.5. please be kind, i do not & will not respond well to attitude!

other notes!

1. while i am not new to roleplaying, i am fairly new to the FFXIV community and it's workings, so please be patient with me!2. i'm open to writing all sorts of relationships, whether that be romantic, familial, enemies, or perhaps a cocktail of everything terribly complicated! i am also interested in writing oc x oc & oc x canon! with that being said, lets talk about it first.3. don't push me for replies! whether that be IC or OOC, i kindly request your patience. my energy levels fluctuate and i have a life away from the computer.4. i do play aelin as the WoL in her main verse but am more than willing & capable of thinking of somewhere else for her to fit in to storylines if it is desired or needed!

alisaie leveilleur

aelin considers the twins to be like siblings, sometimes even taking on a motherly role with them. she values their lives above anyone else's in the scions, feeling fiercely protective over them. there is nothing more in this world that aelin wishes to never see again, and that is tears falling from alisaie's eyes. alisaie and aelin are often never far apart, though, and where you find one, you will often find the other.

alphinaud leveilleur

alphinaud was aelin's first real, meaningful connection within the scions. their journey together to survive the events at the end of ARR twined their fates together & caused the pair to cling to one another first out of necessity, but later out of a shared familial love for one another. aelin is often heard teasing the older twin, just to snort at his befuddled expressions.

estinien wyrmblood

what started as a rivalry at the beginning of heavensward, evolved eventually into a deep appreciation for the other. their shared prowess for combat and love for the thrill of battle made the pair thick as thieves. if estinien is not off seeking his next thrill, he can often be found sitting with aelin as they bask in the comfortable silence they have long worked to cultivate.

g'raha tia

since the moment aelin met g'raha tia prior to the events of crystal tower, she understood that this strange man was going to always mean something deeply profound to her. for a time, they both toed the line of more than just friends, but with neither of them knowing exactly how to make that step further settled quietly into the limbo of will they, won't they. estinien and alisaie have a pool going on who will break first.

krile baldesion

at first, aelin wasn't quite sure what to make of krile. upon first meeting her, aelin's heart had been rather closed off after what felt like one too many gut punches, the losses of comrades weighing heavily on her shoulders. the pair only seemed to really connect when it came to locating aelin's missing companions - krile's determination and fierce, spirit thawing what ice had built around aelin's heart.

thancred waters

though she would never admit it to his face, thancred had been aelin's first crush. having met after finding the sultanate in ul'dah, she found herself all too quickly swept up in the bard's silver tongue. things quickly changed, however, as more than one harsh reality struck the naivety from her system. there was a time during shadowbringers, where aelin had a very difficult time with the way thancred acted & she had no qualms in explaining that to him, leading to several disputes between the pair. they are closer now than they were then, aelin often going to him and urianger for sage advice, or perhaps a bit of entertainment over their squabbles.

urianger augurelt

there was a long stretch of time where aelin felt as if she could not trust a single word out of the astrologian's mouth. tides slowly turned, however, during the events of shadowbringers, but not until after she was too plagued with other concerns to care anymore. urianger is who aelin turns to when she needs a good anecdote, or a problem solved, knowing that urianger would go to the ends of the universe to help her. she's been known to recommend him a book with ludicrous titles just to see his cheeks warm.

y'shtola rhul

when first meeting the scions, aelin found y'shtola's aloof air to be off-putting, although it was quickly remedied upon some self reflection. that not everyone had to be as willing as she was, & not long after the pair could be seen sitting around a table, sipping tea, & gossiping. y'shtola had been aelin's first taste of what it was like to have a friend that wasn't sown tightly with violence. y'shtola's tough love way of handling things was often times the splash of cold water aelin needed. their camaraderie persists to the present, each of them setting aside at least a day out of the month to spend together doing nothing but shopping & lazing about.

connections extended (tba)!

the basics!

  • name: aelin morningstar

  • nickname: star

  • race: viera

  • age: 28 years old

  • birthday: 2nd Sun of the 5th umbral moon (october 2nd)

  • pronouns: she/they

  • height: 5'6" (167cm)

  • sexuality: pansexual



✶ if you or anyone you know was entrenched in ul'dahn society in the last 10 years, you might have heard of star enterprise, an up and coming merchant guild specializing in the cultivation and preservation of art. and if your ear was really to the ground, you would have heard about the family owned business experiencing heartbreak several times over surrounding their children.✶ interested in the aristocratic culture of ul'dah? perhaps you would have heard about the eldest daughter of the morningstar family being cast out.✶ it looks like you've stumbled across a strange, leather bound journal! & what's this? a young woman is running toward you looking frantic? maybe it's best you put the infernal thing down...✶ one might catch the familiar sight of the raven haired viera frequenting taverns, but not partaking in the act of drinking. maybe they go for the atmosphere, or perhaps they enjoy a good spot of people watching.✶ that box seat at the opera is taken? & rumor has it there's only one occupant? well, surely that isn't very fair, right?✶ it's not often that her guard is down anywhere... besides the off chance they find a cool, quiet place to nap or a soft patch of grass to watch the wildlife.more tba!


aelin was born incredibly still to her parents astrophel and aoife morningstar in the jungle of mamook. after her mother had labored tirelessly to deliver her twin brother, adonis, she nearly lacked the strength to usher along the other half. by the grace of perhaps fate itself, or maybe it was the prayers of the village elders, aelin's voice pierced through the night in a fierce cry. although her start to life had been feeble, aelin never let it slow her down as she grew alongside her brother adonis. the pair finding themselves in trouble more often than not, & in the same vein, aelin would take the blame for it if only to save her dear brother from their mother's ire.change came quickly & unexpectedly when aelin's mother shared news of her pregnancy, a rare, special feat that not many viera women experienced. the morningstar's were already revered needlessly by some for having brought twins to this world, & aelin understood more than others that a third child would only make it worse. nevertheless, when aelin & adonis were merely 6 years old, their baby brother avalon was born.much like aelin, her baby brother was born with complications, though they persisted long after. he was often sick, & clung to aelin more than the rest of their family. she would often take him with her to gather herbs, much to their mothers chagrin. it was an uncomfortably warm spring day, nearing aelin & adonis' 16th nameday that things began to fall apart for the morningstar had become routine at this point for adonis to leave early in the mornings to train for the wood ward reaping in hopes of joining his father, & aelin's mother to depart for her duties as village healer, leaving the youngest two children to their own devices. so in an attempt to keep her baby brother from being stuck in a stuffy home all day, to feel the breeze of the wind on his skin, she would take him with her on her gatherings. that day had been no different, aside from the normal flora & fauna reacting abnormally to something that was out of aelin's expertise. one moment she had instructed avalon to sit on the embankment, the next his cry of anguish had pierced through aelin's heart.there had been rumors circulating as of late, of a lone wolf circling their village, but for whatever reason, it just hadn’t been disposed of, handled in any way. the sight of the beast's jaws latched on to the juncture of avalon’s shoulder and neck, blood already soaking the beast's muzzle would haunt aelin for the rest of her days. the few short moments it took for aelin to retrieve the hunting knife from her hip & scramble up to avalon, nails digging into the dirt & cracking from the sheer force had been all it took for the damage to be irreparable. with her knife lodged into the wolf’s throat, and blood that she wasn’t sure of the source coating her front like a second skin, aelin cradled her dying brother in her arms, hand pressed tightly to the wound, however futile. knowing that he was suffering, that he would suffer from her lack of conviction, pushed her to drive that same knife that killed the wolf, through avalon’s slow beating heart.when aelin returned home hours later, covered head to toe in dirt & blood that wasn’t hers, without avalon at her side, things only seemed to escalate. she had been so young, so unfamiliar with death, that at the moment the only thing she knew to do was put her brother to rest, to return him to the earth & let the blanket of cool, dark earth usher him to rest eternal. not even the sting of a palm across her cheek could stir aelin from the state of stupor she was in & it had only been that evening, after a bath & going to sleep in her shared room with her brothers, that she whispered the truth that had transpired into the overtly still night air to adonis.the months following avalon’s death had been unfathomably dark ; their fellow villagers spoke poorly of aelin constantly, blaming her for avalon’s death in one way or another, and without having to say it, she knew that her parents did too. with grief charting their course, the morningstar family left behind the life of their village. they traveled across the salt itself, landing in the hot, dry deserts of Thanalan, where aelin’s parents were fortunate enough to be hired by people of significant standing, & while they worked to build a new life for their remaining two children. aelin only seemed to grow distant, retreating to a shell of herself. she didn't sleep, hardly ever chose to be present for family events, & was seemingly never home, & when she was it was all she could do to avoid arguing with anyone, even adonis.but life continued, the morningstar family, formerly comfortable with one another, now all held each other at an arm's length, keeping their distance. fortune smiled upon them eventually when the woman aelin's mother worked for decided to pass her art curation business down to her two years later, trusting aoife with its legacy, thus thrusting the destitute family into a whole new world of aristocrats and politics.adonis was ever the shining example of what aelin’s parents thought their children should be : obedient, polite, charming, & smart, so when he took to this life like fish to water, aelin was not surprised. she, on the other hand, had trouble adjusting - many people who met her whispered under their breath that she was standoffish, the way she spoke & carried herself lacking elegance, but terribly beautiful. many thought it to be a waste, but aelin cared much & more for the underbelly of Ul’dah, reveling in the fights & seedy alcoves & would often sneak out of events to poke her head around where it didn’t was on one such night that she had perhaps wandered too far from home, too far from the glittering walkways of the sapphire exchange, & found herself cornered by a group of miscreants who looked much like the same wolf who had taken her brother’s life years prior. fighting was not unfamiliar to her & she quickly found that it was fight or die trying as they descended upon her. it was only after fighting tooth & nail, having knocked one to the ground with an unearthed strength, his skull cracking against the cobblestone with a sickening sound, that an on looker stepped in to assist her, only to flee the scene shortly after, leaving aelin with nothing but a name : Drusilla.The Immortal Flames swarmed her in a near instant, seeing nothing but the bodies of her assailants, & aelin there among them, chest heaving & blood on her hands once again. they took her into custody of course, trying & failing miserably to ask her what happened for all she could give in reply was a distant stare. it was two years ago all over again, an unfortunate accident & her covered in blood that didn’t belong there. she didn’t know how long she had been in that cell, only that the next time she saw someone outside of the rotation of guards was the self same person who had come to her aid against the miscreants. again, the person said nothing beyond an ominous find drusilla & disappeared, leaving aelin to her own devices. she had trudged home, & wounded & a little destitute. had her family not cared enough to find her? to worry about where she had disappeared? the answer to those questions was hollowing, as aelin returned to the steps of her family's manor only to be stopped by the servants at the door, looking shameful for what they were about to do. they informed her that she had been banished from the premises & handed her a knapsack with her essential belongings.with nowhere to go & nothing to her name besides the clothes on her back, aelin took to the streets of ul'dah in search of this drusilla. it took some time, & perhaps a few people turning her away, but eventually she found herself at the door to a *very unassuming building. within, aelin would find her life changed forever. drusilla, having created a family of her own with the lemure reapers, took the young viera in, giving her a place to sleep & ways to provide for herself.time went on, the heart that had been broken since she was 16 had slowly but surely started to scab over, healing in minute ways & eventually drusilla approached aelin with an opportunity. over the years she had grown in many ways, but her knack for fighting & the ferocity with which she did it, was admirable to a fault. Drusilla presented aelin with the idea of becoming a reaper, like her, & forming a pact with a powerful voidsent to fuel her strength. with little to live for & not much else to think about, aelin accepted & found herself face to face with her had horrified her at first, the resemblance, however haunting, it had to her lost brother. the same facial structure, the nose that all the morningstar siblings shared, & a shoulder that looked marred beyond repair. aelin felt like she had lost her mind at first & was just seeing things that weren't there, but the more she existed alongside this avatar of destruction, she found that it really was avalon. while some thought that fact to be upsetting, aelin found an odd sense of comfort in the idea, & perhaps fact of it; that her baby brother had been returned to her. together with this newfound strength, aelin went on to adventuring, helping those in need across eorzea, & eventually leading up to the events of A Realm Reborn, where she would eventually take up the mantle of Warrior of Light.


✶ while having healed from all that she went through before becoming the warrior of light, aelin still speaks very little, if at all, of her family. they still live in ul'dah & have on more than one occasion heard of their daughters newfound legacy, but whether it be shame or believing they were in the right still pretend she does not exist to them. it makes discussing them a very sore subject. if she doesn't outright deject the topic, she will simply say that the family she has now is much & more.✶ while circumstances from when she was young were out of her hands, aelin has & will always be drawn to bloodshed. she is more than capable of being amiable, & above all else truly has a kind, warm heart. it took her a very long time to come to terms with this fact & be okay with it, finding her natural predispositions to be difficult to wrestle with after her family's clear disdain.✶ at the very core of her being, aelin wants nothing more than connection & meaningful relationships with the people in her life. meaning, at times, she can easily be a doormat if she believes that the loss of a person from her life would be more unbearable than whatever hurt they gift.✶ aelin has several scars along her body, but perhaps the most notable one is along her spine. although a cruel custom, the women of the morningstar clan all don a brand & aelin does all that she can to keep her back out of sight. to see it is to know her heart.✶ although very cold & distant with her family, she has a very warm, loving personality. she enjoys playing pranks on those close to her & teasing anyone she can.✶ having spent many of her years in solitude with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company, aelin carries & writes in a journal near religiously.✶ she is quite musical, though would never reveal it to anyone in passing. her favorite & most competent instrument is the harp & often visits concerts, orchestras, & plays whenever she can.✶ her favorite things to eat are usually a combination of sweet & cold! having grown up in hot environments meant that a cold treat was few & far between.

hihi, hello, & welcome if you clicked this far! my name is arwen, i'm 25 & i love my blorbos so very much. thank you for taking the time to visit & perhaps read through this carrd! i can often be found in game (homeworld is primal on lamia) or on discord which i can give out once i feel comfortable enough with you! below will be links to aelin's spotify playlist & pinterest board!